Exclusive Real Estate Opportunity – Stunning Home Offered at $2,800,000
Seize this incredible opportunity to own this exceptional home with flexible Owner Financing options!
Purchase Price: $2,800,000.00
Owner Financing Available – 50% Down Payment
Financing Terms:
Down Payment 50% $1,400,000.00
Owner-Financed Balance (50%) $1,400,000.00 at 5.75% interest for 10 years
Take advantage of this rare Owner Financing opportunity! Secure this stunning home with a competitive interest rate and flexible terms.
For more details or to schedule a viewing, contact us today!
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Este listado es cortesía de Smith Commercial Real Estate Group, Llc . Los detalles contenidos en este listado de inmuebles es propiedad de Miami Association of Realtors (MIAMI) MLS y es destinado para el uso de personas interesadas en adquirir bienes inmuebles. Cualquier otro uso es prohibido. No seremos responsables por errores u omisiones en este portal de internet. Toda la información contenida aquí debe ser considerada confiable mas no garantizada, todas las representaciones son aproximadas, y verificación individual es recomendada.