Location, location, location! Great opportunity to own this wonderful home or as an excellent investment property in this highly desirable neighborhood.
Total of 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms! Main home has 3 entrances a 3/2, 1/1, 1/1, plus a detached 1/1. Four blocks to the Miami Springs Golf & Country Club, two minutes to 36th St., Okeechobee Rd., 112, 836, main hotels by the airport, 10 mins to the airport and mayor shopping malls, 826.
Property expands from street to street with car access from both sides, plenty of parking space front and back. Central A/C under 2 years old, 2 wall A/C's under one year old, one wall A/C is older. All plumbing has been redone. Priced below market value. Investors, great cashflow potential. See it now, before it is gone!
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